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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - snap


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(snaps, snapping, snapped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something snaps or if you snap it, it breaks suddenly, usually with a sharp cracking noise. He shifted his weight and a twig snapped... The brake pedal had just snapped off... She gripped the pipe with both hands, trying to snap it in half. VERB: V, V adv/prep, V n adv/prep, also V n • Snap is also a noun. Every minute or so I could hear a snap, a crack and a crash as another tree went down. N-SING 2. If you snap something into a particular position, or if it snaps into that position, it moves quickly into that position, with a sharp sound. He snapped the notebook shut... The bag snapped open. VERB: V n adv/prep, V adv • Snap is also a noun. He shut the book with a snap and stood up. N-SING 3. If you snap your fingers, you make a sharp sound by moving your middle finger quickly across your thumb, for example in order to accompany music or to order someone to do something. She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single... = click VERB: V n • Snap is also a noun. I could obtain with the snap of my fingers anything I chose. N-SING: N of n 4. If someone snaps at you, they speak to you in a sharp, unfriendly way. ‘Of course I don’t know her,’ Roger snapped... I’m sorry, Casey, I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. VERB: V with quote, V at n 5. If someone snaps, or if something snaps inside them, they suddenly stop being calm and become very angry because the situation has become too tense or too difficult for them. He finally snapped when she prevented their children from visiting him one weekend... VERB: V 6. If an animal such as a dog snaps at you, it opens and shuts its jaws quickly near you, as if it were going to bite you. His teeth clicked as he snapped at my ankle... The poodle yapped and snapped. VERB: V at n, V 7. A snap decision or action is one that is taken suddenly, often without careful thought. I think this is too important for a snap decision... ADJ: ADJ n 8. A snap is a photograph. (INFORMAL) ...a snap my mother took last year. = photo N-COUNT 9. If you snap someone or something, you take a photograph of them. (INFORMAL) He was the first ever non-British photographer to be invited to snap a royal. = photograph VERB: V n 10. see also cold snap
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   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Dutch or Low German ~pen; akin to Middle High German ~pen to ~  Date: 1530  intransitive verb  1.  a. to make a sudden closing of the jaws ; seize something sharply with the mouth fish ~ping at the bait  b. to grasp at something eagerly ; make a pounce or snatch ~ at any chance  2. to utter sharp biting words ; bark out irritable or peevish retorts  3.  a. to break suddenly with a sharp sound the twig ~ped  b. to give way suddenly under strain  4. to make a sharp or crackling sound  5. to close or fit in place with an abrupt movement or sharp sound the lock ~ped shut  6.  a. to move briskly or sharply ~s to attention  b. to undergo a sudden and rapid change (as from one condition to another) ~ out of it ~ped awake  7. sparkle, flash eyes ~ping with fury  transitive verb  1. to seize with or as if with a ~ of the jaws  2. to take possession or advantage of suddenly or eagerly — usually used with up shoppers ~ping up bargains  3.  a. to retort to or interrupt curtly and irritably  b. to utter curtly or abruptly  4. to break suddenly ; break short or in two  5.  a. to cause to make a ~ping sound ~ a whip  b. to put into or remove from a particular position by a sudden movement or with a sharp sound ~ the lock shut  6.  a. to project with a ~  b. to put (a football) in play with a ~  c.  (1) to take photographically ~ping exclusive news pictures — Current Biography  (2) to take a ~shot of  II. noun  Date: 1555  1. an abrupt closing (as of the mouth in biting or of scissors in cutting)  2.  a. archaic a share of profits or booty  b. something that brings quick and easy profit or advantage  c. something that is easy and presents no problems ; cinch  3. a small amount ; bit  4.  a. an act or instance of seizing abruptly ; a sudden snatching at something  b. a quick short movement lithe ~s of its body — Barbara Taylor  c. a sudden sharp breaking  5.  a. a sound made by ~ping something shut the book with a ~...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v., n., adv., & adj. --v. (snapped, snapping) 1 intr. & tr. break suddenly or with a snap. 2 intr. & tr. emit or cause to emit a sudden sharp sound or crack. 3 intr. & tr. open or close with a snapping sound (the bag snapped shut). 4 a intr. (often foll. by at) speak irritably or spitefully (to a person) (did not mean to snap at you). b tr. say irritably or spitefully. 5 intr. (often foll. by at) (esp. of a dog etc.) make a sudden audible bite. 6 tr. & intr. move quickly (snap into action). 7 tr. take a snapshot of. 8 tr. Amer. Football put (the ball) into play on the ground by a quick backward movement. --n. 1 an act or sound of snapping. 2 a crisp biscuit or cake (brandy snap; ginger snap). 3 a snapshot. 4 (in full cold snap) a sudden brief spell of cold weather. 5 Brit. a a card-game in which players call 'snap' when two similar cards are exposed. b (as int.) on noticing the (often unexpected) similarity of two things. 6 crispness of style; fresh vigour or liveliness in action; zest; dash; spring. 7 US sl. an easy task (it was a snap). --adv. with the sound of a snap (heard it go snap). --adj. done or taken on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly, or without notice (snap decision). Phrases and idioms snap at accept (bait, a chance, etc.) eagerly (see also senses 4a and 5 of v.). snap bean US a bean grown for its pods which are broken into pieces and eaten. snap-bolt (or -lock) a bolt etc. which locks automatically when a door or window closes. snap-brim (of a hat) with a brim that can be turned up and down at opposite sides. snap-fastener = press-stud (see PRESS(1)). snap one's fingers 1 make an audible fillip, esp. in rhythm to music etc. 2 (often foll. by at) defy; show contempt for. snap-hook (or -link) a hook or link with a spring allowing the entrance but barring the escape of a cord, link, etc. snap off break off or bite off. snap off a person's head address a person angrily or rudely. snap out say irritably. snap out of sl. get rid of (a mood, habit, etc.) by a sudden effort. snapping turtle any large American...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) (клепальная) обжимка 2) полусферическая головка (болта или заклёпки) 3) экспресс-анализ (по ходу плавки) 4) моментальная фотография 5) швейн. кнопка; защёлка защёлкивать 6) внезапное резкое похолодание - rivet snap SNAP I сокр. от standard network access protocol стандартный протокол доступа к сети II сокр. от systems for nuclear auxiliary системы вспомогательных ядерных источников питания "Снэп" ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  защёлка rivet snap ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  сваливаться в, щелчковый snap action switch — выключатель мгновенного действия snap into spin — сваливаться в штопор - game of snap - snap action - snap flask - snap formula - snap lock - snap roll - snap set ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  хватать (зубами); кусать; огрызаться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  СНЭП Программа создания небольших источников ядерной энергии для энергоснабжения научного оборудования, работающего в отдаленных районах Земли и в космосе. Начата в 1960-е Агентством по атомной энергии Atomic Energy Commission, ныне в ведении Министерства энергетики Department of Energy (от Systems of Nuclear Auxiliary Power) ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. хватка, захват (зубами); укус to make (to take) a snap at smth. —- сделать попытку схватить что-либо he had the snap of a bulldog —- у него была бульдожья хватка 2. резкий звук (чего-либо внезапно разорвавшегося, лопнувшего или сломавшегося); треск, щелканье, лязганье, щелчок snap of twigs —- треск сучьев snap of broken glass —- хруст разбитого стекла the snap of the whip —- щелканье кнута to shut the book (the door) with a snap —- с шумом захлопнуть книгу (хлопнуть дверью) the lock shut with a snap —- замок, щелкнув, закрылся 3. резкая, отрывистая речь; резкое слово he uttered his commands with a snap —- он рявкал команды 4. застежка, замочек a snap of a bracelet (of a case) —- застежка (замочек) браслета (футляра) 5. кнопка (для одежды) 6. защелка, щеколда 7. моментальная фотография, моментальный снимок I shall take a few snaps of you —- я сфотографирую (щелкну) тебя несколько раз 8. резкое внезапное похолодание (часто cold snap) 9. разг. живость, энергия, предприимчивость a man with plenty of snap —- энергичный, живой и предприимчивый человек put some snap into it —- нельзя ли поживее? 10. разг. "живинка", огонек the performance had no snap —- в спектакле не было изюминки 11. разг. живость, яркость, выразительность a style without much snap —- безжизненный (бесцветный) стиль 12. сл. неожиданная удача 13. ам. сл....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  fastener noun кнопка (для одежды) SNAP  1. noun  1) треск; щелканье, щелчок  2) застежка, защелка, замочек (браслета), кнопка (для одежды)  3) резкая отрывистая речь  4) кусочек  5) моментальный снимок  5) резкое внезапное похолодание (обыкн. cold snap)  7) coll. энергия, живость, предприимчивость  8) amer.; coll. легкая прибыльная работа (обыкн. soft snap)  9) сухое хрустящее печенье  10) tech. обжимка (клепальная)  11) attr. поспешный; неожиданный, без предупреждения; snap elections - внеочередные выборы  12) attr.; amer. простой, легкий not a snap - нисколько; ничуть  2. v.  1) щелкать, лязгать, хлопать (чем-л.); the pistol snapped - пистолет дал осечку  2) защелкивать(ся) (тж. snap to)  3) цапнуть, укусить (at)  4) разговаривать отрывисто, раздражённо; набрасываться (на кого-л.); огрызаться (at); Its not good for a teacher to keep order by snapping at the children all day.  5) ухватиться (за предложение и т.п.) (at); He snapped at an invitation to the palace.  6) сломать(ся), порвать(ся)  7) делать моментальный снимок - snap back - snap into - snap off - snap on - snap out - snap to - snap up to snap ones fingers at smb. - игнорировать, плевать на кого-л. to snap off smb. s nose/head - оборвать кого-л.; огрызнуться, резко ответить кому-л.  3. adv. внезапно, с треском; snap went an oar - весло с треском сломалось SNAP back  а) отвечать резко,...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v 1 »BREAK« if something snaps, or if you snap it, it breaks with a sudden sharp noise  (Pablo felt the second blow on his collar bone and heard it snap. | The impact must have snapped the cable. | snap sth off)  (Patricia snapped a twig off. | snap sth in two/in half etc (=break it into two pieces))  (The teacher snapped the chalk in two and gave me a piece.) 2 »MOVE (STH) SUDDENLY« I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep to move into a particular position suddenly, making a short sharp noise, or to make something move like this  (snap together/back etc)  (The pieces just snap together like this. | The sails would be flat one minute, then snap and billow out with the wind the next. | snap open/shut)  (She snapped her briefcase shut.) 3 »SAY STH ANGRILY« to say something quickly in an angry or annoyed way  (He laughed. "What's so funny?" I snapped.) + a  (He was jumpy and aggressive, and snapped at Walter for no reason.) snap sb's head off BrE (=say something in a very angry way)  (I told her I was going to be late and she nearly snapped my head off!) 4 »ANIMAL« if an animal such as a dog snaps, it tries to bite you + a  (Boxer was snapping at his ankles.) 5 »PHOTOGRAPH« to take a photograph  (wandering around Paris, snapping all the landmarks) 6 snap your fingers to make a short, sharp noise by moving one of your fingers quickly against your thumb, for example in order to get someone's attention 7 »BECOME ANGRY/ANXIOUS ETC« to suddenly stop being able to control your anger, anxiety, or other feelings in a difficult situation  (I was handling the stress OK but then suddenly I just snapped.) 8 »MIND« old-fashioned if your mind snaps, you become mentally ill 9 snap to it also snap it up AmE spoken used to tell someone to hurry and do something immediately  (Come on, snap to it, get that room cleaned up!) 10 snap to attention if soldiers snap to attention, they suddenly stand very straight  (- see also snap­on) snap sth on/off phr v to turn a light on or off snap out of sth phr v T not in passive snap...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hum. gen. abbr. Soluble Nsf Attachment Protein physiol. abbr. Supporting Neurotransmitter Activity And Production physiol. abbr. Smoking Nutrition Alcohol And Physical U.S. gov. abbr. Significant New Alternatives Policy U.S. gov. abbr. Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process mil. abbr. Secondary Nuclear Auxiliary Power mil. abbr. Systems For Nuclear Auxiliary Power mil. abbr. System Nuclear Auxiliary Power chemis. abbr. Strontium Nitrate Acetone Peroxide univ. abbr. Student Needs Assistance Program univ. abbr. Student Network Access Project univ. abbr. Student Nurses At Penn electron. abbr. Selective Niobium Anodization Process funny abbr. Special Needs Aussie Placement gen. comp. abbr. Space Network And Power network. abbr. Sub Network Access Protocol network. abbr. Single Network Access Pass network. abbr. System Neutral Access Protocol sec. abbr. System Network Advanced Protection sec. abbr. Secure Network Access Platform telec. abbr. Sub Network Access Protocol media abbr. Stylus Not A Pen media abbr. Saturday Night Alternative Programming non-prof. org. abbr. Spay Neuter Assistance Program non-prof. org. abbr. Seniors Needing A Pet educ. abbr. Say No And Phone educ. abbr. School Nutrition Accountability Program educ. abbr. Seeing Necessary Alternatives Photographically educ. abbr. School Networking Action Project educ. abbr. School Network For Absenteeism Prevention educ. abbr. Special Needs Access And Participation educ. abbr. Stop The Negative Accentuate The Positive sport abbr. Sunday Night At The Pool law abbr. Suddenly Nasty And Aggressive Personality law abbr. Safe Neighborhood Awareness Program gen. bus. abbr. Skali Netpreneurs Acceleration Program gen. bus. abbr. Sharp National Account Program gen. bus. abbr. Stop Now And Plan int. bus. abbr. Simplified Network Application Process NASDAQ abbr. Synaptic Pharmaceutical ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: COLD SNAP. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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